Thursday, August 20, 2009

Will call you back...

Will call you back... I tell so many people and many people tell me on daily basis..

In the increasingly connected world, where everybody carries a mobile, this is an obvious answer if one is busy or dont want to be disturbed or dont want to speak to the other person.

In each of the three possibilities, the meanings of 'will call you back' is very different.

In the first case, the person is genuinely busy and cant take the call. So, ideally he would call back whenever he has the time.

In the second case, the person is busy with something, could take the call but does not want to. e.g. he is with family, he is sleeping etc.. In this case, he may call back and probability is 50%..

In the third case, when the person does not want to talk, he could speak but does not want to.. may be he does not like the person, or he thinks it is a waste of time to speak with him or something else.. In this case, he would not call back most of the time..

what does it mean for the person who had called... he can interpret the behaviour only with experience... and this experience is taxing unless the person did not have expectations of getting a call back..

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