Thursday, October 16, 2008

Working for an MNC in India

MNC employment used to be the 'in' thing in early 90s with HLL / P&G etc attracting the bext talent. Then came the IT wave and people opted for companies which could offer attractive ESOPs. In this case, Indian companies had clear advantage as compared to MNC.

However, MNC dominated finance and consulting since late 90s.

I have worked for both types. Let me give my takes on working for an MNC.

Positives: Good salary, laid back culture, lesser accontability, normal career progression till you agree to do whatever the boss says.

Negatives: slower decision making, big politics, people interested in only pleasing bosses and lesser in doing right things for business, indian culture but boast of global parentage, something will happen globally and local employees will have to contribute their share (appreantly, reverse is not true).

In my view, MNC working in India is good for non enterpreneurial, process driven, mediocres..
remained Only Indian companies could

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