Monday, February 16, 2009

Visit to North India

I happen to visit North India last week for a family function. I happen to interact with a number of people, who are uninformed investors, to get a sense of what the general public is thinking.

Business community is going through very tough time. Most of them will loose money this year. It is even difficult to recover variable expenses, leave alone the return on fixed assets and opporutnity cost. However, in the last 15 days, things are begining to improve slightly.. it might be an indication that worst is probably over and incremental deterioration might not be there..

A retail investor is sitting on huge losses. People thought 20 -30% fall is maximum and market would bounce back. These individuals have also lost 30 - 40% and now have no interest in further investment in equities.. So going by the fear factor, we could be closer to the bottom.. but will recovery happen? ... i dont know.. but will investors make money from these levels? i think so..

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