Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am confused..

I am confused on the equity markets. A week back I had a view that market should fall and then I read an article in economist which says that US policy is to have lower interest rate till growth resumes, then I thought I might be wrong.. Today, market just crashed and it was scary to see some large caps correcting more than 5%. I really dont know what is happening.

Market is moving in a very narrow range... despite that, if one would have bought any decent stock since the election results, he would be sitting on a loss. So, logically, if no body is making money, FIIs have been selling, then why the market is not falling...

the technical charts have been showing a typical distribution pattern, similar to the one that was seen from Dec 2007 to mid Jan 2008.. i hope we are not in that kind of a fall..

I have been sitting on debt since April (the time when for the first time, i had some cash since my MBA) and not able to convince myself to shift to equities. my wife keeps on reminding me of the opportunity loss.. i thought of shifting some yesterday, primarily being tired of sitting out ... then i told myself, markets have habit of tiring an investor and if he does get tired and invests as a result, he is bound to loose. so i somehow convinced myself to wait for some more time.

Also, it is still difficult to imagine how one of the worst recessions in modern era could be over by just shifting private debt to public debt.. how even after doing valuation of a stock on record numbers of 2008 , stock are still reasonably expensive but the market is not falling.

I would rather wait..

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