Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A historic opportunity lost

New Indian government presented its first budget on 6th July and what a waste of opportunity... there was nothing in the budget to cheer about... the finance minister doled out a number of measures for masses - increase in NREGA payout, increase in social sector spending, reduction in surcharge etc... no mention of where he is going to get the money from.. no mention of administrative reforms...

Because of the borrowings, interest rates will not fall and country will face monumental debt in the future... and this debt + interest will need to be paid by the future tax payers...

This was probably one of the few times I was personally hopeful that the politics may rise and look beyond popularity and could try to steer the country towards better tomorrow.. i have been proven wrong again..

Government has shown that it is very difficult for it to do a balancing act... it cant manage a stable process wherein higher spending is matched with higher resources... since higher resources is political taboo, why to mention in the budget... and does any body care if instead of raising resources, the money is borrowed...

in my view, unless the country faces serious issues, politics will not rise to the occassion.. may be this is the way democracy evolves..

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